A Note from the Sunnah on Health and Pain

By Qays Arthur Illness can be a major test. Sometimes even with the best treatment pain and misery can persist. The following is some general advice from the Sunnah that can help with achieving good health and when dealing with physical pain. This is not meant to replace a visit to the doctor for those who suspect major issues, but the benefits of these tips can't be denied. Firstly , one should try as much as possible to avoid excessiveness in food and drink. By that I mean to avoid eating for “comfort” and/or to relieve stress, and rather eat only when one is hungry and in moderation. This is the Sunnah and many of our books mention that it is the foundation of good health. If one snacks, avoid processed foods (which are often consumed without checking the ingredients) and do so with moderation and gratitude to Allah for his favor, and to gain strength and encouragement to worship. Secondly , it is generally a good idea to ensure that one's diet includes date...